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AnEarth Fantasy Stories #BestOfSaturn

MediaWorks’ 1995 PC Engine game AnEarth Fantasy Stories got a straightforward Saturn port in March 1997.

A role-playing game focused more on exploration and puzzle solving than combat, it begins with the player abandoned as a baby on the steps of a church. Four groups of people walk by, one at a time. Pressing the C button at any time makes the baby cry and attracts whatever group is on-screen. That group will then raise you, as either a thief, wizard, swordsman, or monk, as you begin your adventure.

Colorful 2D visuals, lots of spoken dialogue, and plenty of detailed touches here and there make this an interesting experience. This is the first of a planned trilogy, however, no sequel was ever made.

Peter Malek

A Saturn fan since the beginning, Peter plays Saturn almost exclusively. For Peter, Saturn represents a moment in time where 2D games were at their best, 3D was just rising, and fascinating gaming 'firsts' were commonplace.  There are very few Saturn games that Peter cannot find some enjoyment in!

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