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Asuka 120% Burning Festival Limited #BestOfSaturn

A 1997 2D beat-em-up, Asuka 120% Burning Festival Limited is set at an all-girls school in Japan. Here, students represent various clubs and factions, and compete in a martial arts tournament, vying for a larger slice of the school’s budget.

Asuka Honda, a student from the chemistry club, has her ambitions set on victory. Set to nice visuals and spanky controls, the game’s draw is that a power meter fills up and once it hits 120%, the fighter has brief but unlimited access to stronger moves. Should the two fighters strike each other at the same time, no damage is dealt.

This fun fighter features 11 characters, a strong story mode, and an English translation. It’s fun!

Peter Malek

A Saturn fan since the beginning, Peter plays Saturn almost exclusively. For Peter, Saturn represents a moment in time where 2D games were at their best, 3D was just rising, and fascinating gaming 'firsts' were commonplace.  There are very few Saturn games that Peter cannot find some enjoyment in!

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