Yaba Sanshiro Version 1.9.2 ReleasedA new version of Sega Saturn emulator Yaba Sanshiro 2 was released last weekend. The developer, DevMiyax , announced Sunday that version 1.9.2 was live for both Windows and Android. DevMiyax said the update improves the stability of saving and loading save states, although it comes at the cost of previous versions’ save states no longer working with 1.9.2. The update also improves performance when users use CPU affinity. CPU affinity refers to an operating system assigning a program to always run on a particular core of a multicore processor — instead of moving that program’s processes to different cores as new tasks crop up. Edit to the original post on Aug. 8: DevMiyax provided some clarity in his Discord server about 1.9.2’s CPU affinity feature: I found that sometimes the sound emulation thread locks the CPUemulation thread when you enable CPU affinity. On 1.9.2 the CPU thread and the sound thread runs in parallel. DevMiyaxSo that feature may reduce or even eliminate the audio bug that sometimes occurred in previous versions of Yaba Sanshiro that required killing the process in Task Manager to end a repetitive machine gun-like sound. You can download the Android version here and the Windows version here . DevMiyax also tweeted last weekend that a version 1.9.1 of Yaba Sanshiro was available for iOS devices exclusively for Patreon supporters. It enables SH2 cache, which was a feature of version 1.8 when that update came to Android and Windows in March. Test app of Yaba Sanshiro(
) for
is released for patrons. If you want it, please consider becoming a patron.
Yaba Sanshiro was last updated June 10 when version 1.9 was released, as Shiro reported at the time . That version implemented bug fixes to graphics problems and increased the number of games that can run on the emulator because it more accurately emulates the Saturn’s memory bus speed. Yaba Sanshiro began development seven years ago as a fork of Yabause, an emulator that is no longer actively worked on, to bring it to Android devices. A PC version was released about a year later, seeing regular updates alongside the Android version. Its name was changed to Yaba Sanshiro 2 in April 2021 after Google blacklisted the original app for including Action Replay cheats.